1976-1981 : Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris1981-1983 : Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris1988 PhD in Physics (University of Paris Sud Orsay)2001 Habilitation in Chemical Physics (University Paris VI)Research and Professionnal Experience/Teaching:
Research Interests: I. Ledoux's current research interest is focused on molecular and supramolecular engineering of molecules and materials for photonic applications, especially multifunctional nanoscale compounds and structures combining NLO and laser properties. She recently reported the evidence of a significant enhancement of the quadratic nonlinear optical properties of molecules grafted on the surface of gold nanoparticles in solution. Another significant achievement is the demonstration of a huge exaltation of quadratic NLO response for photoswitchable molecules. Another of her activities focused on the elaboration of waveguiding polymer devices combining NLO and gain properties in the near infrared using erbium complexes. She reported a positive net gain in single mode erbium-doped polymer waveguides in 2006. She is currently investigating IR gain properties in polymer materials doped with lead chalcogenide quantum dots, NLO responses of rare earth complexes and oxides, and gold nanoparticles.
Isabelle Ledoux is also involved, since 2008, in an European project devoted to the design, elaboration and characterization of passive and active disk- and ring-shaped microresonators for sensor applications.
Her research is the subject of collaborations with different international groups in Europe, United States and Israel. I. Ledoux is the author or co-author of 140 publications.
Director of the Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et Moléculaire (LPQM) UMR CNRS 8537 since January 2006
Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master course « Monabiphot » since September 2006.
Member of the French National University council for Material Science (since 2008)